Re-reading some old journal entries the other day and thought they would make for an amusing post. Some of the better extracts but unfortunately not the best. My dairies can often range from mildly offensive to down right awful so had to be selective.
Friday 1st of January 2010, 9:17pm‘The world if full of people trying to convince other people to dance-I REALLY don’t want to dance’
Thank you David Mitchell.
Sunday 3rd of January 2010, 10:40pmThe fact that I am consecutively recording in this ( and that tonight I’ve taken to bed to write it just shy of 11pm) is testament to the fact that that absolutely NOTHING is going on in my life- yet to make it over the front door.
Wednesday 6th of January, 2010, 10:20pmWas doing some drawing today and was burning a candle on the table so I could use the wax. I was leaning right over my sketchbook and heard and smelt burning only to look up at the mirror in front of me and notice an ignited flame on my head. Mairi had to put it out with her bare hands. I just screamed. If straighteners haven't damaged my hair enough this should do the trick.
Thursday 14th of January 2010, 1:12pmWriting with my new pen, the last in eca shop. The word must have spread of their smooth rolling. . .
Made this morning’s lecture at ten past eleven. The weather is so miserable –sleet snow and dull-completely shitty and mood destroying. We are learning about ‘celtic’ art now, though we’re not supposed to label it that academically. What we’re actually meant to call it however escapes me now.
Asked Mark to ring me but said he wouldn’t pause the film he was watching, assured me he’d ring at one. Just checked his phone and it’s off. Going to send a semi-abusive text before bed.
Friday 15th of Janurary 2010, 3:00pm, Starbucks, Forrest Road.In Starbucks having lunch, drinking one of their sickening luke-warm lattes instead of their fag-ash Americano’s. Still, at least its close by.
There was a nice looking boy behind the counter a while back. I swear we had a connection. Spent a long time sitting wondering how you act on these things and whether you just spend your whole life watching nice boys who work in coffee shops hoping they’ll say something. I think people only talk to each other in films.
Thursday 21st of January, 2010. 1:12pmIs there any room for creative little dwindlers in today’s financial climate? I’m such a scrape through I’ll never shine- absolutely dreading Classics results and seriously considering just never picking up my essay. Didn’t pick up my Architecture one last year having lost ten marks referencing Wikipedia. Fuck. It’s at best heavy plagiarized or at worst just a bloody fail. Trying very hard not to think about it.
Sunday 24th of January 2010, 00:51amGot in and spoke to my Father who had enjoyed his night in Town and had even liked the company of Neil and his friend Hugh who was in a relatively acclaimed Velvet Underground tribute band in the 80’s ( Hugh Reid and the Velvet Underpants). Didn’t bother trying to stifle a laugh.
Tuesday 26th of January 2010, 00:25 amFeedback from Colin. Said I need to start habitually recording things in my sketchbook but then got on to talking about John Martyn and disappeared to burn me a CD . Maybe I should re-think all this stuff. I remember the most trivial facts about songs but nothing whatsoever about The Book Of Kells.
Sunday 15th of August, 2010 23:50pm. Bedroom, Aix en Provence.This place is really amazing. The people are different here- effortless, cool. Watched some Mark Ronson look a like in the flat across earlier. We heard him frolicking with his girlfriend on the sofa.They were tickling and wrestling in their perfect Mezzanine apartment in only their underwear. Watched him smoke a cigarette at the window for ages. Id like a mezzanine.
Tuesday 27th if Sepetember 2010, 01:12am, Flat BedroomMy Father took Hamish on walk up the hill this morning, but Hamish, afraid of the prospect of returning to the car hid meaning he had to rapidly run through and across fields trying to find him. He apparently got too ambitious and tried to leap over an electric fence only to get caught mid way and shock himself. My Mother said Hamish ran home but that she heard my Father cursing from the hills. His relationship with Hamish remains largely ambiguous.
Friday 24th December, 2010, Christmas Eve, 18:33pm, Mairi’s Bedroom.Listening to John Martyn, admittedly a little drink and feeling a bit weird.
My Father picked me up at 12 and we went to Waitrose to experience what can only be described as polite, middle class hysteria. Everyone was doing little shuffle runs to grab the last of the Brandy cream. Meant to be going to the crown with Samantha in an hour. Can’t be bothered with Biggar and all it brings.
Wednesday 5th of January 2011, 2:23pm, The Henderson Gallery, Hanover StreetEnded up going to visit John last night. His flat is huge with the faint odor of weed. His flatmates worry and argue about who’s had sex in who’s bed and haven’t managed to change the sheets. A far cry from the milk politics of my own domain. Good night though. I drank a bottle of wine and listened to Rory Gallagher, The White Stripes and Van Morrisson amongst others while John smoked three joints and then insisted on driving me home. His music knowledge shows no limits. It was refreshing. Stopped drinking when I started sounding like some unappreciated scholar.
Tuesday 31st of January 2011, 14:23pm, Studio C7Tried to look nonchalant and casual, avoiding any direct contact, scribbling details in my notebook. He probably saw me looking shifty though. Could have smiled or made eye contact in a very mature way as i walked by but instead resigned to an awkward ground stare, going back to my desk like an embarrassed child. I’m a social cripple.
College has turned into the feeling of going to a party in the hope of seeing someone only to realize upon arrival that they definitely aren’t coming. And this is everyday. Need to focus.
Saturday 8th of January, 2011, 23:27pm, BedroomText from Rory, he's just back from Arizona.-' Yeah woke up at dusk today, which I've got to say is a real downer- I'm sleeping like 18 hours a day . . . It's ridiculous. I think i read Matthew Perry was on painkillers and then he got fat when he came off them. Ha. One exam on Friday, so can't be bothered. You're right, January is shit. I look forward to hearing you're new stories though, I'm going to go ahead and
assume you've self-sabotaged again? '. Own social slip-ups have become predictable.